What Recent Research Says About Low-Carb Diets 📚

👀 WOW ➡️If you’ve ever thought about trying a low-carb diet, this new study says it all.

The headline on Medscape reads:

👉👉“For Weight Loss With a Low-Carb Diet, Quality Matters”

The study looked at weight change in 123,332 people following a low-carb diet over 4 years.

Their diets were categorized by food quality, based on diet questionnaires.

The results?

✅ Those who followed a low-carb diet that had more healthy fats and plant protein with less refined carbohydrates experienced the most weight loss over 4 years.

❌ Those who followed a low-carb diet that had more unhealthy fats, animal protein, and refined carbohydrates experienced the opposite: weight GAIN.

This study was conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health and published in JAMA Network Open (PMID: 38150249).

If you’re tired of the hype and mixed messages around food and nutrition and want to figure out what YOUR body needs to feel it’s best focus on healthy fats and plant foods.  Examples include nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, spices, legumes. 

Here’s to healthy food choices! 

Rachel Oppitz, ND


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