4 Places Where Hormone Disruptors Hide

YIKES!! ➡️ Here’s a study I wish weren’t true…

The study found that the annual healthcare costs resulting from exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) were almost $250 billion in the US alone.

☠️ EDCs are chemicals in plastics and also hide in:

Flame retardants

Food packaging

Can linings

Non-stick cookware

When these chemicals get into the human body, they disrupt our hormone systems and increase the risk for cancer, diabetes, infertility, preterm birth, and more.

The good news is that 💥we have the power💥 to make choices every day that minimize our exposure to EDCs.

We also have ways to support our body’s natural detoxification systems.

These are just some of the things I consider when working with my patients to optimize their health. I use a root-cause approach to health that actually looks at the whole picture. 

In Health,

Rachel Oppitz, ND


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