Protein Linked to Healthy Aging (NEW Study!)

🧐 Check this out ➡️ The first study to look at the long-term effects of protein consumption during midlife!!

Protein is essential for bone and muscle health, both of which can decline with age.

But the results of this study say that “protein intake was significantly associated with higher odds of healthy aging.”


Plant-based protein was also associated with good mental health status and a lower risk of limitations in physical function.

This was based on data from 48,762 women younger than age 60 who participated in the Nurses’ Health Study.

Want some simple ways to boost protein intake?

🔹 Grab nuts instead of chips.

🔹 Toss chickpeas on your salad.

🔹 Add a high-quality protein powder to your smoothie.

🔹 Spread nut butter on fruit

Adequate protein is a key prevention strategy for women as they age!

Rachel Oppitz, ND


Itasca Meal Planning 101: High Protein Breakfast, Lunch & Supper Guide #2


Itasca Meal Planning 101: High Protein Breakfast, Lunch & Supper Guide #1